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Yu. V. Yurchenko, student
Scientific supervisor Demchuk N. I. profesor of the department
of finance, banking and insurance
Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University


Public administration reform is a precondition for success of other important reforms in Ukraine. Public administration reform, reform of the system of public finance management and decentralization are the components of proper and efficient governance in Ukraine. Development of a system of governance capable of implementing systemic reforms in Ukraine and ensuring economic growth while observing principles of democracy, rule of law, protection of human rights and gender equality principles, inclusiveness and participation is another basic precondition for Ukraine’s success [1].
In 2016, based on the criteria developed of the ОЕСР SIGMA program and set forth in the document called Public Administration Principles, in close cooperation between Ukrainian and European experts, the Strategy of Public Administration Reform in Ukraine for 2016-2020 was developed and approved by the Government together with a detailed Action Plan, clear performance indicators, and calculation of implementation expenses.
On May 1, 2016 a new Law on Civil Service came in force that introduced mandatory competition for selection of civil servants. These documents laid a foundation for the first real attempt for an all-encompassing process of public administration reform in Ukraine. The Government confirmed its political will to develop a system of governance capable of implementing systemic reforms [2].
Reform Progress in 2017. In 2017, the Government continued to implement the Strategy of Public Administration Reform in Ukraine in the following areas:
1. For ensuring a strategic approach and improving coordination in the sphere of public administration reform, the Coordination Council on Public Administration was created as well as a working group of state secretaries, and special structural units in the CMU Secretariat.
2. For the strategic planning purposes, formulation and coordination of policies, directorates for strategic planning and European integration were created in ten pilot ministries, and an online monitoring system of the status of implementation of the Government’s Action Plan was introduced; development of electronic interaction among executive bodies was continued.
3. In the sphere of civil service and human resource management, a system of performance indicators and evaluation of professional activities of civil servants was introduced, the procedure for selection of civil servants was improved, the Government approved the Concept of introduction of an information system of human resource management in state agencies  and the Concept of reform of the system of professional training for civil servants, heads of local state administrations, first deputy heads and deputy heads, local self-government officers, and local council members.
4. With regard to accountability and transparency of the system of executive bodies, comprehensive reorganization of ministries was launched and aimed at improving the process of governmental decision-making based on comprehensive policy analysis. In order to ensure a strategic approach to reforming ten pilot ministries, two agencies and the Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers, 50 new directorates on policymaking and strategic planning were created.
5. In the sphere of provision of administrative services, a network of the centers for provision of administrative services (CPAS) was further developed, the procedure for service provision was improved, and transition to provision of e-services was continued.
6. The work on implementation of the Strategy of Public Finance Management System went on and was focused on mid-term budget planning, strategic planning and coordination of actions related to the state policy implementation.
Ukraine is reforming the public administration system in accordance with the EU principles [3].
 Powerful political leadership and efficient coordination at the top level is a precondition for the successful public administration reform. An important factor – as for any other reform – is sufficient financial and human resources, a coordinated approach, and appropriate communication with all stakeholders.
In 2017, political leaders of the Government paid significant attention to the public administration reform. The Coordination Council on Public Administration and the institution of state secretaries became effective reform instruments. Considerable support for this effort was provided by civil society and international institutions.
Ensuring Reform Financing Implementation of the public administration reform is financed under a separate national budget program, Support for Implementation of Comprehensive Public Administration Reform. In 2017, 300 million hryvnias were allocated for the reform implementation, which were distributed in accordance with the CMU Resolution. Funds were used to pay salaries and to create modern working places for new specialists who were selected in 2017 and will be selected in 2018. Funds were furthermore distributed among 13 state agencies that were implementing the reform in 2017 and will continue to work in the current year. In 2018, it is planned to allocate 1.5 billion hryvnias from the state budget for comprehensive PAR implementation.
According to the Agreement on Financing Public Administration Reform signed with the EU on December 19, 2016 irrevocable financial assistance will be provided to Ukraine in the amount of 104 million Euros (90 million as sectoral budget support and 14 million as technical assistance) during five years. The first financial assistance installment totaling 10 million Euros was received in May 2017. The main precondition for provision thereof was approval of the Strategy of Public Administration Reform in Ukraine for 2016-2020, adoption of the new Law of Ukraine on Civil Service, and the Concept of introduction of reform staff positions. The funds are transferred to the Ukrainian budget [4].
 The Agreement on the EU Budget Support does not specify the purposes, for which the funds are used, and respective decisions have to be made by the Ukrainian Government.
Plans and Approaches to Risks Mitigation:
1) In 2018, it is expected that newly established directorates of the ministries will become capable and will be able to draft high-quality governmental decisions and continue the reform. The SCMU directorates will provide coordination and methodological support.
2) The first comprehensive evaluation of the situation with public administration in Ukraine will be conducted by the SIGMA/ OECD program.
3) A large-scale EU technical assistance project will be launched to support public administration reform, which will facilitate overall PAR coordination and provide assistance in drafting expert solutions in individual areas of the PAR.


1. Some aspects of civil service reform in Ukraine: Regulation, Policy,Plan […] dated to 24th of June 2016 № 474-p. – Access mode: www.zakon5.rada.gov.ua.
2. Constitution of Ukraine: Constitution, Act dated to 28th of June 1996 №254к/6-ВР. – Access mode: www.zakon5.rada.gov.ua.
3. Ukrainian Civil Service Act: dated to 10th of December 2015 № 889-VIII. – Access mode: www.zakon5.rada.gov.ua.
4. Growth policy “Ukraine 2020”: Order, Policy dated to 20.01.2015 № 5/2015. – Access mode: www.zakon5.rada.gov.ua.

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