А. Mykhailovska, student ПМ-181
– Cand. Sc. (Economic), Associate
S. Ponomarenko
National University of Technology
Public administration and civil society have a social basis in the areas
of a single communication field, that’s why the effective interaction between
public authorities and the citizens is one of the most important conditions for
the development of democracy in Ukraine. The success of such interaction is
determined by constant dialogue, improvement of the practice of the
relationships, active and conscious participation of citizens in public cases.
Therefore, the interplay between civil society and public power is a
determining factor for ensuring the democratic development of Ukraine, that’s
defined in the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 1), as the creation of a “sovereign
and independent, democratic, social, rule of law state”.
Naturally, the realization of that constitutional goal is the contents
of the activities of Ukrainian civil society. That’s the circumstance which
requires the formation of partnerships between public authorities and civil
society institutions.
At the same time, the problem is in the need to establish the necessary
balance between the country and the mechanisms of its influence on the society
as well as civil society needs the mechanisms of its self-development and
social control. That's the precisely scheme to create the balance which is so
needed for creating a democratic and legal country. It should be emphasized
that the establishment of effective interaction concerns different subjects:
society; local government; business structures; foreign countries [1].
That is due to the expected results of public participation: reduction
of corruption; increase of citizens’ confidence in the authorities; increasing
their openness and accountability; the cooperative solution of socio-economic
problems in the government and public institutions.
Moreover, the goals of public administration should be laid down from
the civil society, which is truly actual for the democracy.
The issue of developing effective relationships between public
authorities and civil society is one of the key issues of the society, which depends
the country’s political stability and the “political consciousness” of each
There should be pointed out the orientation of the functions on the path
of formation a politically conscious society. Political participation of the
population had recognized among the main human rights, which surely had
received international legal recognition. So, Art. 25 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Res. 2200 (XXI) of the United Nations
General Assembly of December 16, 1966) contains the following provisions [2]: “Every
citizen must have, without any discrimination have the rights and the
opportunities: a) to take participation in the conduction of public cases,
either directly or through the freely chosen representatives; b) to vote and be
elected at truly periodic elections, which are carried out on the basis of
universal and equal suffrage by the election ballots and ensuring the free
expression of the voters; c) have the access to the country by the general
conditions of equality to the civil service”. Therefore, the practice of the
strategies of ensuring a constructive dialogue between the country and society
promotes the participation of citizens and their associations in the formation
of the public policy.
Nowadays, the achievement of the partnerships between public authorities
and civil society is an important prerequisite for the development of the
Ukraine and the creation of a high-quality and effective interaction between
all elements of the subsystems.
1. Михайловська О. В.
Деякі аспекти комунікативної взаємодії органів місцевого самоврядування та
громадськості/ О. В. Михайловська / Науковий вісник Полісся. –
Чернігів: ЧНТУ, 2016. – № 1 (5). – 136 с. Режим доступу: http://nvp.stu.cn.ua/uk/component/k2/item/472-mihaylovska-o-v-deyaki-aspekti-komunikativnoyi-vzaemodiyi-organiv-mistsevogo-samovryaduvannya-ta-gromadskosti.html.
2. Холдар Д. Г. Роль участі
громадськості у виробленні та реалізації політики: посібник з участі
громадськості / Проект «Голос
громадськості» Міжнародний центр перспективних досліджень; за ред.. Холдар Д. Г.,
Захарченко О. – К,: Дизайн- студія «Медіа», 2002. – 150 с.
3. Mykhailovska O. V.
Analysis of practical aspects of interaction between civil society and public
governance / O. V. Mykhailovska, V. I. Gurkovskyi,
O. M. Rudenko // Scientific Bulletin
of Polissia. – 2017. – № 4 (12). Ч.2. – С. 149–157.
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